Publisher: Cutting Edge Press
Price: £ 14.99
This is the prime example of how a book can be sexy and have erotic scenes without being poorly written! The book isn't there to focus primarily on the select sex scenes, there is a plot and an incredibly fascinating one at that, that deserves and needs to be followed! Also, the whole thing is incredibly well written!
I didn't know at the start if I really liked Fabrice, or hated him. He reminded me a lot of the main character in Perfume whose name escapes me at the moment. He is the main protagonist. He was interesting as you don't really know any thing about him or his history or even how he looks 100% as people's descriptions of him are always slightly different depending on what they focus on in him. In the end I bloody hated him. He is a manipulative bastard who wants to try and dominate and destroy for what he feels is the greater good. I'm sure he is a great tattooist but there is no need to be a monster with it I say! He appears he has to help people change and transform because of one stupid mistake they made with a tattoo they ask him to cover up.
The novel as a whole was fabulous. I got the feeling of it being three character studies in one. Studies of three very different girls as they all become part of Fabrice's life and his Great Work. The entire thing is very dark, no humour and there is no clear idea for a while what the plot line actually is. That didn't bother me at all, it intrigued me further and kept me reading constantly!
On occasion I felt that the book was a tad too intellectual for me and that in some ways I have missed certain subtle nuances. However, that hasn't had any impact on my enjoyment of what is a fantastic book! Another cracking master piece from the people of Cutting Edge Press!! BRAVO!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
P.S. It does make you pretty terrified to get a tattoo!!! Not due to the pain but in case the artist turns in to a psycho!!!