So then, I've finished part three of my challenge and well, this was a turn up for the books! It seriously feels like a completely different person has got hold of them. The style feels different in every single way, I kinda think that maybe there was more input from editors and stuff. Also, the plot moves so quickly and is so much more intriguing it is again like someone else has decided to write the books.
I do not feel still that the series is a massive work of genius however, I really did find this book rather entertaining. I didn't have to wait for 94 years for something to happen! Stuff happened all the time, the plot moved quickly, the characters were so interesting and the plot was far more complex. Sirius is a total dude as well as Lupin. There ceased to be characters that I wanted to murder. Hermione even became one that I could tolerate and I am now actually looking forward to reading the next book.
This is a crazy change of opinion for me but, as I said, I have been open to becoming a fan of the series. I do think, that it has something to do with the complete change in style and plot progression though....sorry.
Happy Reading
Book Geek
P.S. I watched the second film. I fell asleep about half way was not exciting at all.
About Me

- Book Geek
- I read a lot of books and I write about them on here. Mummy Geek is sometimes a guest blogger....people seem to love her.....Oh and you can find me on Twitter.....@book_geek_says. Shortlisted for Blog of the Year by the 2015 Love Stories Awards...THANK YOU!!
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Friday, 23 August 2013
Review: The Cult of Nostalgia
Publisher: Cutting Edge Press
Price: £ 8.99
We're in Paris at three different points in time, however, all are weirdly linked and all tell very different stories.
It's obvious that BB has done his homework and has a very enthusiastic style of writing. He obviously is a fan of Hemingway and knows a lot about him, but this really isn't a book for me. I can appreciate it for its merit and how it will appeal to many, but there just wasn't a certain something that I need to be enthralled by a book. I just couldn't get involved in it and, to be honest, every time I read it I fell asleep. I got better as time went on, but I don't know if that was enjoyment or just sheer determination to finish the book.
Rosette and Danielle were great characters. Very funny, quirky and loveable, but, I am afraid tat two quirks don't mean love.
A good work of literature that I am sure will be lobed many times over by the right person.
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Review: The House Of Journalists
Price: £ 16.73 hardback
Publisher: Jonathan Cape
We're looking at the HoJ at one moment in time, we're looking at the present, pasts and futures of one set of residents who currently inhabit this house of gifted writers and their ghosts.
I enjoy the flipping and flopping of POV, it gives the book interest and a personal quality. However, I don't really think I 'got it' on the level at which it is intended to be received, but that doesn't mean I didn't find it enjoyable. I just feel, maybe, that there was some kind of society/literary comment I missed.
I enjoyed the look at corruption that comes from power, not only in governments but in small organisations and committees. How people have their own agendas and sod the rest of you! Freedom of voice and of the press is a precious thing and the events described by the inhabitants of the HoJ show that it is some thing to be fought for. I do wonder if the inhabitants' experiences were in fact based on true stories as you certainly hear ones like them from time to time.
This is a very moving and warm yet scary and unsettling (in places) story told by the fellows. It's dark in places but that makes it even more enjoyable. Also, the enigma that is AA adds a certain something that I can't quite put my finger on.
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Review: No Photo Available: A Sex Scandal in 563 Emails
Publisher: Self published
Price: £ 3.38 e book
Emails from and to Tom have been compiled to Sophie. These emails, as the title implies are scandalous! Tom is dead but he ain't been playing by the rules.
This book reminds me of The Afterparty by Leo Benedictis, you know its fiction, you've been told its a work of fiction, but you always sit on the edge of 'is it REALLY fiction.' The way it is written and compiled is so real, especially with the fore and after word from Sophie! SO SO BLOODY REAL.
The notes and emails which compile this book make it personal and emotive. You keep thinking bastard, bastard, bastard the whole way through. It really did evoke a great deal of emotion from me. It also worried the hell out of me! Do you really know any one??? Do you really know you can trust the people around you? Is everyone really a manipulative bastard deep down?
There are a few odd and cliched bits of language in the emails bandied around. This may however be intentional in many cases as manipulators, I am sure will stop at nothing to get what they want. They know how to use lang to wheedle themselves in and anchor their place in a person's life and heart.
I'm most pleased that this book didn't pass me by. It is compelling and intriguing and so so uncomfortable and disturbing! There is sex and love and manipulation and psychological abuse! WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Review: Sunshine with a chance of snow
Publisher: Sphere
Price: 99p (ebook)
This is a 20 minute read from a lady who writes a lot of books! I've never read anything written by her before, but when this popped up as a Kindle free book I thought I would give it a go. It's a short story of a lady and her love of life and Christmas.
It maybe because I'm a bit stressed/emotional/fraught at the moment but I felt very warm and fuzzy inside once I had read it. This is very unlike me as usually stories like this make me want to hurl. Or it could just be that this is indeed a little gem.
Yes, it is girly, but it is sweet and thoughtful and full of Christmas and I SODDING LOVE CHRISTMAS!!. Defo not a Christmas story though, DO NOT READ THIS AT CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
If you want a warm and fuzzy quick read then this is one for you. It'll only take a short while and is indeed a lovely way to fill a 20 min wait!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
P.S. Sorry about the weird amazon pic...the only one I could download from tut internet for some reason!
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Review: Dead Image
Publisher: The Mystery Press
Price: £ 7.99
Based on a real explosion in 1874, Best must don his Sergeant roll and deal with the fall out. People are dead and there is much to be worked out.
It is most clear that JL has done a lot of research to know exactly what happened surrounding the explosion and in order to write in the style of a victorian novelist. And she writes in this style well, very well indeed! The tone, style and content is most convincing and indeed well done!
I found the characters, apart from Smith, dire. I hated them all to be honest, even Best was a bit of a pain in the arse to me even though he is the main man!! Smith was glorious though and so so lovely and normal and excited and ambitious and awwwwww.
I think I would have gained more from this book if I had read more of the Best series. However, the story itself is easy to follow and a good read indeed. It is interesting and takes many turns and the volume of characters for such a shot book is very impressive as none of them seem superfluous.
If you are a fan of historical fiction and crime fiction then pick this book up. You'll enjoy it I am sure!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Monday, 12 August 2013
The Harry Potter Challenge: The Chamber of Secrets
So then, I have started, and I have, as I promised gone on!
The second book has now been read and digested and well, I am still not all that enamored. I found it took a very long time for anything of that much note or excitement or interest to happen. Which was a bit of a shame as I was expecting a bit more from this second one as we now know the characters and scenes don't have to be set.
There were far more amusing moments in this book than the first one. It was entertaining in a sniggery way, kind of if I was a kid....think I've had to adopt a child mind in order for me to embrace them more.
Hermione is far less annoying in this book than the first one. I hope it is because I have now got used to her and not because her character has been changed dramatically. Harry is still a bit of a cliche as far as I am concerned...sorry. Ron is alright though and I kinda like Ginny.
I have high hopes for the 3rd and 4th books as they have been bigged up to me a lot by many. The only point that would piss me off I think is that apparently, some characters seem to disappear never to return in later books and there is no real explanation. I hope I don't really notice it that much as it will annoy me!
Anyway, on I go....wish me luck
There were far more amusing moments in this book than the first one. It was entertaining in a sniggery way, kind of if I was a kid....think I've had to adopt a child mind in order for me to embrace them more.
Hermione is far less annoying in this book than the first one. I hope it is because I have now got used to her and not because her character has been changed dramatically. Harry is still a bit of a cliche as far as I am concerned...sorry. Ron is alright though and I kinda like Ginny.
I have high hopes for the 3rd and 4th books as they have been bigged up to me a lot by many. The only point that would piss me off I think is that apparently, some characters seem to disappear never to return in later books and there is no real explanation. I hope I don't really notice it that much as it will annoy me!
Anyway, on I go....wish me luck
P.S. I watched the film of the first book last night...enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than I thought I would. Actually found it far more entertaining than the book too...think it's because things happened in quicker succession! UH OH!!!
Friday, 9 August 2013
Review: Apocalypse Now Now
Publisher: Century by Random House
Price: £ 8.99 ebook
Bax, a white South African, is trying to find his girlfriend and whilst attempting to do so is exposed to a world that he never knew existed. It really is some weird and crazy shizz!!
This is a story of drugs, violence, kinky sex, sprites, zombies and more. I don't know if it is fantasy or scifi or if deep down it's really a coming of age love story. All I know is that it is weirdly and gruesomely awesome!
This isn't the YA book I was kind of expecting, it defo isn't for kids. The story takes you to the world of creature porn and the Flesh Palace, fights in parallel universes with creatures you never knew existed. It also deals with mental illness. Even though I have read the book, part of me still isn't 100% sure that it is all 'real' and what it seems to be. That, my geeks, is a very clever thing in my opinion. I have no real idea what is 'true' and what is not, however, I know what I want to be true in this book and I'm going to stick with that for my own happiness.
Not a book I really thought I would read to be honest, however on NetGalley it looked rather odd and different. I laughed (a lot), I got drawn in to the action, I kinda fell in love with Ronin and Bax and even found Esme to be a bit of a babe.
Not your run of the mill scifi or fantasy novel and defo not one for the easily offended or feint of heart. However, if you want a book that blurs the genre lines, delves in to South African mythology and has a whole heap of weird eroticism in it then this is defo one for you.
Go forth and envelop this crazy arsed book!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Review: Goldblatt's Descent
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Price: £ 14.99
I think I can safely say I've never read a book set in a hospital. I don't think I've read a book where the main characters are exclusively doctors. This is somewhat strange for me now, on reflection, as I bloody love a good medical TV series...fictional obviously and not Casualty...that's shit! But Grey's Anatomy, ER, House, Green Wing, BRING IT ON!
I am delighted to say, that I was thrilled with this book. I hate to say it, but it could be easily translated in to a TV series and a highly dark and satirical one at that...but on with the book.
It's all about Malcolm, a locum registrar in a hospital in London. It's all about his trials and tribulations and what he does to try and work out what he wants and who he is, to an extent anyway. This is a very dark comedy, a very satirical look at hospitals in the UK and the running of small specialist wards. It looks at the type of people I imagine doctors to be and the many varieties of people who get drawn to the profession for the numerous reasons be they glory, status or just because they want to help people.
I loved Malcolm, but I think there will be people out there who hate him. I loved him because he is a bit like me. He is sarcastic, he doesn't really care about things as much as he should sometimes and he can't argue, it makes him uncomfortable and he has to try and make it funny. I loved his relationships with other doctors, especially Morris, the HO and Ludo. I hated the Prof! God I hated her....she is everything I despise! She is false and an impostor damn it!! I BOOO HER!!!
This is a great story that will make you laugh and it will make you feel sad and it will make you worry for the people involved. I really hope that as this book is written by a doctor, that the whole thing is drawn from real life. This is how I imagine hospitals to be behind the disinfectant and scrubs! Cracking read and defo a very different one for me!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Review: Bitter Sweet
Publisher: SELF
Price: Free on Smashwords
I read Gatecrasher by Mr RY many moons ago, it was in fact one of the first ebooks I ever read. I even read it on my iPhone! Crazy fool I hear you all say.
Well, RY has now presented the world with a short story all about Tom and his abysmal relationship track record. The story is like a male Bridget Jones. It's refreshing and entertaining to see the male of the species get all confused and tongue tied and angsty and full of anguish over women and relationships. You see enough of the female side, it's nice to get the male perspective, and have a laugh at them. It feels like we are being let in on an big man secret, that they are actually just like girls and there isn't a real difference.
The whole piece is written through the voice of Tom and that makes the story very real and honest and personable. It is written as if he is talking directly to you which keeps the whole thing very engaging. I think it's also the normality of the whole piece that makes it a page turner. There is nothing mental or far fetched about it. It's just like life....but exposed and bleak and amusing and out there for all to see.
I do like a good short story and I like this one. Something very different to his last foray in to writing but an enjoyable quick read none the less! Huzzah!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Friday, 2 August 2013
The Harry Potter Challenge: The Philosopher's Stone
So, fellow geeks. Many moons ago I read the first two HP books and I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. So much so that I didn't bother to read any more of them.
Just before I went on holiday this fact came up with Boy Geek so he challenged me to read alllllllllll (yes alllllllllll) the HP books and then decide if I don't see what all the fuss is about.
I have now completed book one and I can tell you, I'm still in the 'what's the point' category.
I'm sorry but I just don't see the appeal. OOOO, he's a wizard....ooooo he goes to wizard school....ooooo he is a defeat the odds amazing boy.
So the hell what??
I will admit that maybe firstly reading them at the age of 18 and now at 27 makes me the wrong age to enjoy them. But, I do enjoy a good YA book and have been known to enjoy a book that is targeted at even younger ages. Maybe it's just that for me the first HP book doesn't offer anything new or exciting or interesting or gripping. People have said it is because I don't like the magic and wizard aspects. If you have read my blog before (or know me) then you will see that I am a huge fantasy fan so magic and wizards, yep, bring it on by the bucket load! As well as dragons, trolls, enchanted objects etc etc etc etc.
I apologise to all the HP fans out there that I'm not enthralled by this series yet. I am sure that for those of you who grew up with it and those who will grow up with it in the future will always be die hard fans...I'm just not one...or maybe I'm just not one yet...I will continue to read the series and keep you all updated. Who knows...maybe as HP turns in to something more exciting and becomes a bit more of a grown up I will become a convert.
I have been told that books 3 and 4 are the best and then it gets a bit shit from there on in, so we'll all just have to wait and see.
Watch this space....
Book Geek
Just before I went on holiday this fact came up with Boy Geek so he challenged me to read alllllllllll (yes alllllllllll) the HP books and then decide if I don't see what all the fuss is about.
I have now completed book one and I can tell you, I'm still in the 'what's the point' category.
I'm sorry but I just don't see the appeal. OOOO, he's a wizard....ooooo he goes to wizard school....ooooo he is a defeat the odds amazing boy.
So the hell what??
I will admit that maybe firstly reading them at the age of 18 and now at 27 makes me the wrong age to enjoy them. But, I do enjoy a good YA book and have been known to enjoy a book that is targeted at even younger ages. Maybe it's just that for me the first HP book doesn't offer anything new or exciting or interesting or gripping. People have said it is because I don't like the magic and wizard aspects. If you have read my blog before (or know me) then you will see that I am a huge fantasy fan so magic and wizards, yep, bring it on by the bucket load! As well as dragons, trolls, enchanted objects etc etc etc etc.
I apologise to all the HP fans out there that I'm not enthralled by this series yet. I am sure that for those of you who grew up with it and those who will grow up with it in the future will always be die hard fans...I'm just not one...or maybe I'm just not one yet...I will continue to read the series and keep you all updated. Who knows...maybe as HP turns in to something more exciting and becomes a bit more of a grown up I will become a convert.
I have been told that books 3 and 4 are the best and then it gets a bit shit from there on in, so we'll all just have to wait and see.
Watch this space....
Book Geek
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