Book Geek
About Me

- Book Geek
- I read a lot of books and I write about them on here. Mummy Geek is sometimes a guest blogger....people seem to love her.....Oh and you can find me on Twitter.....@book_geek_says. Shortlisted for Blog of the Year by the 2015 Love Stories Awards...THANK YOU!!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Review: High Fidelity
Paperback: £12.99 (one of the evil giant ones)
Publisher: Penguin Fiction
Top 5 Characters
Top 5 Moments
Rob in the flower bed
5 Conversations
Retrospective conversation scripts
Top 5 breakups
Dad + sex
Top 5 songs in HF
Twist and shout
Smells like teen spirit
Let's get it on
Papa's got a brand new bag
The look of love
Top 5 films in HF
Fish Called Wanda
Reservoir Dogs
Terminator 2
God Father
Top 5 reasons to recommend HF
Thought provoking
Easy to relate to
Well written
Happy Reading!
Book Geek
P.S. See what I did there???
Monday, 30 January 2012
Lines you won't find in an Enid Blyton book
These fab tid bits were stolen from:
Hardback: £ 14.99
Publisher: Boxtree
'Anne found Dick's limp, headless body chained to a lamppost with the message: Stay off our patch. The Secret Seven.'
'Remember, Noddy,' warned PC Plod, 'if anyone asks, you fell down the stairs.'
'Right!' said George. 'This summer's mystery is to find out who got Anne pregnant!'
'Come on. Our work is done,' said Anne. 'Let's get home and celebrate with 20 Lambert & Butler, a tube of Pringles and lashings of cheap, super strength cider.'
'This holiday,' said Julian, 'the Famous Five will find out what lies behind the current spate of teenage stabbings.'
Friday, 27 January 2012
Review: The Appeal
The Appeal - John Grisham
Paperback: £ 12.99 (one of the new giant sized paperbacks)
Publisher: Century
I bought this book with some Smith's vouchers I'd had for Christmas. My boyfriend had said that Grisham's books were alright and fun to read as had my oldest friend. My boyfriend is a barrister and my friend is a solicitor turned law lecturer....no wonder they like his books!
I knew nothing about him and I thought his books were thrillers, I WAS WONRG! I had no idea they were US legal fiction. None the less, I knew that several of his books were highly acclaimed and had been turned in to highly acclaimed films.
I'll say it now, at the start, I found this book mediocre at best. My boyfriend had warned me that this book is not one to judge Grisham on as his early stuff is brilliant, so I won't give up hope yet, I will try another of his in the future.
Anyway, down to the book.....
The story was alright. The over riding story of hazardous waste disposal can be covered in my job so the book didn't provide the usual escape I seek when reading. But never mind that.
I like Grisham's style of writing and I enjoyed the constant flicking back and forth between characters, it kept all parts of the story on a continuos flow and didn't give me time to forget about them or certain parts of the story. Also, I didn't get bored with different plots and sub plots as can sometimes be the case. Often I'm reading one chapter really quickly to get to the next part of the main plot....or similar.
The characters were ok, I liked Carl and Brianna's characters even though they are meant to be the villains. I found Fisk and his entire family total pains in the arse!! They drove me mental.
The ending was cliched and a bit of a saw it coming moment...
I did enjoy seeing the workings of the supreme court elections. I'm sure that votes and seats can be bought by big business or those with the most cash and I'd imagine that Grisham wanted his novel to be a comment on that to some extent. Also, this book just seemed to enhance everyone's perception that the US is a 'so sue me' culture. There were litigations and filings etc etc left right and centre....that shouldn't be a surprise though right?
Anyway, as I can't say anything overly nice I'd better shut up.
Happy Reading!
Book Geek
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries: TV versus The Written Word


Southern Vampire Mysteries
I know they are trash but I don't care. I think they rock. You can read one in a day, if that really, and they are real page turners. I have read all the ones that have come out so far and I've enjoyed every single second of them. It took a while to get used to the first person as I tend to avoid it if I can...well I did until I started reading the these books, they helped me accept the first person a bit more....still not completely sold on it.
The books are through the eyes of Sookie Stackhouse, a bar made in Merlotte's bar and grill, Bon Temps. Vampires have 'come out of the coffin' and as of book one she gets swept up in their world and brings several of her friends along for the ride. You'll encounter fantastic vampire characters, shape shifters, were wolves, fairies, were panthers and other things you never thought would exist or didn't know existed. There is bad language, violence and lots of sex, so, you won't want young 'uns reading them.
Each book has a main story line and the overriding story of Sookie finding out who she is, what she is, who she loves, how she survives, etc, etc, etc runs throughout them all.
The books are obviously meant to be read as a series however, they can be picked up randomly to an extent as Harris makes sure that background history to Sookie's life and the events of the last novel is always briefly discussed.
True Blood
I've only seen series 1 - 3 as I said before. What's good is that the series are very loosely based on the books. The character names and relations are the same and some plot threads are used but things are changed dramatically. This helps incredibly as it's different enough that I don't get annoyed.
The same as with The Slap is here though, characters don't look how they do in my head. In the books Sookie is a US size 12, UK size 16, and of course Anna Paquin who plays her is as skinny as a pole. Eric is as gorgeous as he is in my head...PHEW...that is VERY important! The series is VERY sexually explicit and violent and the language is strong but they all make part of its charm. As was said by my boyfriend's mate 'it's like soft porn.'
I hugely enjoy the show, each episode is around an hour. The costumes, locations and sets are great and they fit pictures I had in my head. The introduction of characters not found in the books help detach it further from the books and help me, at least, get other the fact that the show is not a literal adaptation of the book series.
I can't wait for series 4!!!
In this instance I'd say that the show and books draw equal so it's Written Word: 2 - TV: 1
Happy reading and viewing!!!
Book Geek
Monday, 23 January 2012
Review: The Hunger Games, Mockingjay
Paperback: £ 7.99
Publisher: Scholastic
Before I begin my review, I'd like to say Wooooooooo for Amazon!!!
When I opened book 3, I got up to page 59 to have book one start all over again! I was sooooooo annoyed, I text my friend and she said she'd bring her copy in for me to read it. I then went straight to the computer and emailed Amazon. The next day I got an email from them saying a replacement set of the books was in the post by special delivery. They arrived the next day! Wooooooo for Amazon!!! Woooooo!
I was really, really worried about this book and the ending. My friends had said that it seemed rushed compared to the other two. I agree with that to an extent as a lot happened very very quickly, there wasn't so much description or consideration of feelings. I am now completely used to the weird tenses/grammar as I didn't notice it at all, or it could be that the editing team did a better job (I know I'm slating the editors a bit, but I am an editor by trade so I'm allowed :-p).
This book is totally action packed, set in the Capitol and district 13 and there are a lot of new characters. That's great as it keeps the story fresh. Of course there were returning characters, it's always good to have a bit of security from them! The book takes a couple of twists and turns which I did enjoy and didn't see coming. This could once again be because I maybe don't think that anything like that will happen as it's teen lit. Maybe I'm underestimating teen brains a little? Sorry teens!!!
I was delighted with the ending. It satisfied me as it wasn't a total case of happily ever after. If it was all sunshine and joy then I would have been hugely annoyed as it really isn't the type of story that would have suited that! Thank goodness!
The only bit I didn't like was the Epilogue. As a rule I don't like them and find them pretty pointless. They just sort of taint the end of a good book! But, at least it was only short!
Now I've finished the trilogy, I don't know what I'm going to do! I have to say I became obsessed with them, obsessed!
Read these books, read them now! Especially before the film comes out in March!
Happy Reading and may the odds be ever in your favour!
Book Geek
Friday, 20 January 2012
The Slap: TV versus The Written Word
The Book
I read The Slap a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed every single part of it. It was a little too sexually explicit on occasions for my tastes (I found some of it gratuitous) and the language was rather bad (again a bit gratuitous) but I over came that easily enough! The book is centered on the events of a BBQ which is held for Hector's 40th birthday. At the BBQ, his cousin Harry slaps 3 year old Hugo, a boy who isn't his son. The rest of the book follows the aftermath and repercussions.
The style of writing is great. It is most enjoyable to see through a different character's eyes every time a new chapter comes along and hear the different opinions on 'the slap' and the events that follow. It is also interesting to see different segments of different lives and how they all intertwine, rather than seeing the entire scenario play out through one person.
I hated some characters, loved others and felt hugely confused by a few! I have a love/hate relationship with Hector. I love Anouk, can't stand Harry, am indifferent towards Connie and found Rosie to be pathetic.....I could go on but I think I should leave it there.
I think it's a bit of a marmite book. I loved it and would recommend it to anyone, I've given my copy to my Mum to read. However, I can see that there is a potential for people to find it hard going and unenjoyable as it is fraught with tension and emotion.
This is a very literal adaptation! I loved it! The narration was infrequent but effective, the use of greek was great as it was slipped in to and out of with ease. I'm delighted that each episode was seen through a different characters perspective, just the same as the book! Overall, I was very happy with it! Delighted in fact!!!The only thing that holds me back when it comes to tv adaptations of books is the way characters look. I build very clear pictures in my head and am more often than not disappointed. That happened here, Hector wasn't attractive enough, Aish was more black than Asian, Connie didn't look old for her age until her aunt dressed her up. The ones I did like were Anouk, Rosie and Gary, they did pretty much live up to the picture in my head!
What worries me is the 'Series 1/First Season' stuff written on the front of the DVD case. There had better not be spin off series! Booo!!!
Due to the 'Season one' rubbish I will have to put the score at: Written Word 1 - TV 0.
(I'll keep a running score as I compare TV to the written word).
Happy reading and viewing!
Book Geek!
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Review: The BBC National Short Story Award 2011
The BBC National Short Story Award 2011 - Various
Paperback: £ 6.99
Publisher: Comma Press
The same as with the 2010 collection I'm going to do a brief review of each story in turn. These stories, similarly to the 2010 collection are those shortlisted for the award. Here they are:
Rag Love - M. J. Hyland
A story of desire and a bit of a hint of 'be careful what you wish for'. What I believe to be a moral tale of setting expectations too high, pinning too much on one thing. It looks at the tragedy of real life. A relationship based on one thing, and one thing alone and a superficial thing at that. If there aren't solid foundations, a disappointment will lead to the relationship crumbling.
The Heart of Dennis Noble - Alison MacLeod
Bloody love this story! It questions love, what you love, where love lives within you, how you live things and why! It is amazing! It pits science against nature and doesn't come up with a conclusive answer that favours either. Brilliant!
One part of the story did freak me out though, I think it's really horrible when medical professionals or people with medical knowledge go through a procedure they know everything about. Urrrgh! Imagine how horrid!
Wires - Jon McGregor
I enjoyed this story more than his one in the 2010 collection. The girl is so detached from her situation and considering the accident that's just happened it's understandable. What is also understandable is that it makes her reassess her relationship with Marcus. The ending is most unsettling and worrying, especially for people like me who are female and drive around places on their own!!! The ending has made me feel nervous whilst the rest of it made me feel strangely empowered.
The Human Circadian Pacemaker - K. J. Orr
I think I'm spotting a theme in this collection, love, relationships, things like that. I think I'm missing something with this story though. I like the parallels drawn between 'traveling' for your work, but I'm not sure I'm even right noticing that. Either this story is too subtle for me to understand or (and I suspect this to be correct), I'm just not intelligent enough to get it.
The Dead Roads - D. W. Wilson
A sweet story of love somewhat unfulfilled, but with sinister undertones. Creepy characters, unsettling locations and even in one instance complete abandon to seeing someone get hurt. I did like it though. Vic and Duncan are a cute pair in their own way and everyone has a one crush/love that'll always be in the back of their mind so it can be related to easily.
Not sure which of the two collections I preferred, they were both good for different reasons!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Review: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire: Suzanne Collins
Paperback: £ 7.99
Publisher: Scholastic
I enjoyed this one even more than book one! My friends who have read the trilogy enjoyed this one the least but it won me over, easy!!! I am now used to the odd/incorrect (well in my eyes anyway) grammar which I think aided my enjoyment. The political undertones are more prevalent than in book one and therefore make this one seem a little more 'grown up'.
I related to the tributes in this round of games more so than the last, maybe because they had more heart and soul and we get to know them more as a reader. The characters of book one who played minor(ish) roles, such as those who live in District 12 crop up more in this one and it was nice to get to know them a bit more.
There were some twists and turns in the book that I really wasn't expecting. I don't know if it is because I'm not in the frame of mind where I look for them as it's a teen book, or if they really were that subtle, but I really didn't expect them. I obviously won't tell you what they are so as not to ruin the surprise!!!
I once again would recommend the trilogy, well the first two books any way! I'll be reading book 3 shortly, I just can't wait!
Oh, and by the way......TEAM PEETA!!!!!!!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Monday, 16 January 2012
Review: The BBC National Short Story Award 2010
Paperback: £ 6.99
Publisher: Comma Press
This book is made up of 5 stories from the BBC National Short Story Award 2010. Here is a brief little bit about each one:
Tea At The Midland - David Constantine
I think I was trying to find more in this story than there actually was. I have a habit of doing this on occasion as I did an English degree at Uni. The grammar and punctuation in this story did annoy me slightly as the sections of speech were not all that clear.
Haywards Heath - Aminatta Forna
A very touching and beautiful story. Alzheimer is a subject that affects hundreds if not thousands of people and this story deals with it in a very sensitive and somewhat peaceful way. I was moved and touched by these 9 simple, yet effective, pages.
Butcher's Perfume - Sarah Hall
I'm terrified of horses so I wasn't a massive fan of this story in the end. Also, I was eating my lunch when I read it and the odd bit was grim. However, the character of Manda is someone I'm sure all of us can relate to. We all knew a girl like her in school and that helped me find this story enjoyable. A nice moral tale in the end....you don't get a whole lot of those these days.
If It Keeps On Raining - Jon McGregor
This story made me feel hollow and empty.
My Daughter The Racist - Helen Oyeyemi
There were some light hearted moments in this story that made it the most up lifting of the lot. It again seemed to provide a moral. For me, it was a moral about tarring everyone with the same brush. It is about the war in Iraq I believe and how native Iraqis can change their opinion of soldiers and how soldiers can befriend the natives. If only one person breaks the stereotype, the mold then that is all is needed to begin the slow and steady road towards progress and acceptance.
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Review: The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Paperback: £ 7.99
Publisher: Scholastic
A friend of mine in work is truly obsessed, I say obsessed, with The Hunger Games. Many of us are reading it and I'm glad to say enjoying it.
I know that these books are 'Teen Literature' but they are a great read. Gripping, absorbing, tense, addictive. The characters are charming, the story is a real page turner.
The one complaint that I have is that the tenses and style of writing are somewhat unpredictable and indeed incorrect on occasions. But, Ms Collins, I forgive you.
The concept of The Hunger Games themselves and what happens is NOT for the faint squeamish or sensitive. I have a hard core constitution and sense of revulsion and can usually cope with anything, but this book gave me nightmares for two nights running.
Don't turn your nose up at this book because it isn't high literature and was written for teens. There are political undertones in this book and they continue in to the second and third (according to the blurbs). I'll be reading the 2nd and 3rd soon, so look out for me, hopefully, continued endorsement!
If you want some compelling reading then read this book NOW!!!
Now I say!!
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Review: Escape From Camp 14
Escape From Camp 14 - Blaine Harden
Released in April 2012
Publisher: Mantle, a division of Macmillan
I'm sorry to say that this book was a bit of a disappointment!
If you are expecting a real memoir/autobiography then you will be let down. This is meant to be the story of Shin Dong-hyuk, the only person born and raised in a complete control labour camp in North Korea thought to have escaped.
Shin has apparently written his own memoir in Korean and 3000 copies were published. Whilst it was not a hit in Korea (South), I don't see why it couldn't have been translated and 'tweaked' for the global audience. Why did Harden have to retell his story? Was it for the money? Was it to ensure it was dramatised? I cannot say, obviously, but knowing that a work written entirely by Shin exists does taint this read.
Not only does the above somewhat ruin the book, the fact that it is not exclusively his story does the same. Again, if you are expecting a pure memoir you will be disappointed. I'd say that only about 60 - 65% of the book is about Shin's life. The rest sets the scene, provides information on North Korea, the context of Shin's story and opinions of experts and other defectors on the country, defectors in general etc etc. Whilst this of course is helpful as I knew very very little about North Korea, it left me feeling let down with this 'memoir'.
It is undoubtedly a very interesting and educational book. It sends out an important message that education can lead to freedom. It tells you that money does actually mean more than you'd like to think, and it reinforces that the world is a cruel, hard and ugly place for those deemed 'different'.
What surprised me the most was the life of South Koreans. I know this book is meant to educate the reader about the horrible lives led by those who are 'free' in North Korea and those who live in labour camps, however, the facts and stats about South Korea shocked me. The knowledge that North Korea is a horrid place to live is not news and I'd always assumed that South Korea was as nice a place to live as anywhere else, particularly in comparison to its Northern neighbours. But the fact that South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world shocked me (and it's not defectors from the North who make up the numbers). The pressure on South Korean's to be the most intelligent, the richest and the most cultured is astounding. Also, the portrayal of South Korean's complete lack of empathy and sympathy for North defectors was interesting. You would think that more would be welcoming to those that have suffered and are so similar, this doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to a large majority.
It was rather uplifting in the end that Shin did successfully escape and move to the free west. However, it is sad to read that Shin still leads an unhappy and troubled life as he finds adjusting to the outside world a slow and arduous task. But there is hope!
I wish Shin well
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Review: The Book of Lost Things
The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
Paperback: £ 6.99
Publisher: Hodder
This will be a bit of a quickie review as I'm pretty busy this week and it's nearly the end of lunch time!
Cliche is the first thing that comes to mind with this book. Well when it comes to the ending anyway, but let's start with the beginning.
I picked this up in the Oxfam bookshop just before Christmas. It appealed to me as it talked of books and stories coming alive. It's not exactly what you think. A boy, David, gets taken in to a world where fairy tales are true, not the fairy tales you know and love but twisted, distorted and more believable versions in some instances. This is definitely a book for adults despite the first impression leading me to believe that it could be for children or young adults. There is violence and sexual encounters.
The take on snow white and the seven dwarfs was my favourite retelling. It was hilarious but dark at the same time. It reminded me slightly of 'Bored of the Rings' by the Harvard Lampoon lot.
I was at first a little disappointed by the notes at the back which discuss the fairy tales included. I was disappointed as I didn't know they were there originally and thought the book was much longer. In the end, the notes were helpful as there were a few stories I didn't know and had therefore missed. I was also rather annoyed by the homophobia that did appear in places. A book first published in 1996, no matter if it is set within the context of the 2nd world war, shouldn't be so venomous with such comments. It does try to counter balance the comments but not fully enough in my eyes. Short rant over!
I brought up cliche at the very beginning as the book ends as I expected (but I won't tell you as I don't want to spoil the ending). Yet, part of me thinks that the book had to end in such a way to keep in the style of fairy tales which are the key, heart and point of this book.
It was a quick and easy read and it was enjoyable as I have a very vivid and over active imagination.
Happy Reading
Book Geek
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Review: Tiger Tiger, a memoir
Tiger, Tiger: A Memoir - Margaux Fragoso
Paperback: £ 9.99
Publisher: Penguin
I read the blurb, I always read the blurb, and thought this must be a fictitious story. Then I read the promo on the cover by Alice Sebold and the prologue, this book is a real memoir.
Margaux Fragoso recants her life under the extreme influence of the pedophile Peter from the age of 7. She discusses her home life, school life and life with Peter, her primary abuser.
I've read a few debates and reviews which have cemented several internal debates. Did Fragoso really need to write this book? Did she write it for her own cathartic purpose? Is this book meant to empower other victims of abuse? Are the events, incidents, scenes, exaggerated as they are drawn from childhood memories? Are the aforementioned exaggerated by the requests of the editing team? I don't have answers to all these but I have my own opinions.
This book, in some ways needed to be written, both for herself and her audience. Yes, I'm sure it empowers readers who were also victims of sexual abuse, but it also opens up a world that is completely alien to, I'd imagine, the majority of people. It makes you aware of signs to look out for, behavioral patterns to be worried about and characteristics to be wary of.
I fully admit the events could be exaggerated. They may not be exaggerated by an editor's request, it could be because when one remembers events from childhood they sometimes seem more grotesque, exciting, worrying, joyous etc. than they actually were. However, the opposite can happen, these events could actually be the repressed descriptions and they were actually more traumatising than is conveyed on the page.
Stockholm Syndrome is a phrase that has been thrown around in reviews and comments on Tiger Tiger and in the book itself. I can see why this has been brought up. Fragoso still appears to have a deep affection for Peter to some extent, it is understandable in some ways as he was in essence, for a long time, her only friend. However, it does feel as if her emotions are only that intense towards him because of his clear manipulation. He manipulated her to such an extent that she forget who she was, how to socially interact and how to love others and herself.
For me this is of course a highly unsettling, upsetting and worrying book. I don't know if I was reading it due to morbid fascination or the compulsion to read an actual interesting narrative. Is it wrong if it was both???
The final afterword did slightly let the book down with its cliched conclusion and final few lines. That is my, I'd say, main criticism of the writing style and contents.
In the end, this book isn't just about the physical, sexual and mental abuse of a young girl by a much much older man. This book is about the abusive relationship between father and daughter, husband and wife. It's about mental illness. It's about love. It's a book about friendships. It's a book about childhood and the coming of age. It is a book that I won't forget.
I would say my usual happy reading but it seems inappropriate in this instance!
Book Geek
Thursday, 5 January 2012
What to read in 2012?
Hello Book Lovers!!
I hope everyone is well!
I've got a hideous cold, it's driving me mental but I'm in the office and ploughing on!
The big question in my mind at the moment, is what do I read in 2012??
Do I read the books that have been sitting on my 'To Read' shelf for years and years or do I just read what I fancy when I fancy? Should I set myself some targets? Should I make it a resolution to read all the books I keep putting off?
Here are three of the books I've been putting off reading for years:

The BBC National Short Story Award
2011 - Various
Paperback: Will look it up!!!
Publisher: BBC
I hope everyone is well!
I've got a hideous cold, it's driving me mental but I'm in the office and ploughing on!
The big question in my mind at the moment, is what do I read in 2012??
Do I read the books that have been sitting on my 'To Read' shelf for years and years or do I just read what I fancy when I fancy? Should I set myself some targets? Should I make it a resolution to read all the books I keep putting off?
Here are three of the books I've been putting off reading for years:

Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Paperback: £ 9.99
Publisher: Penguin
Light in August - William Faulkner
Paperback: £ 8.99
Publisher: Vintage Classics
Midnight's Children: Salman Rushdie
Paperback: £ 8.99
Publisher: Vintage Rushdie
Here are three of the books I'd like to read this year:
2011 - Various
Paperback: Will look it up!!!
Publisher: BBC
Room - Emma Donoghue
Paperback: £ 7.99
Publisher: Picador
The Hunger Games (trilogy) - Suzanne Collins
Full box set: £23.97
Publisher: Scholastic
I just don't know what to do???
Can you help me?
Happy Reading!
Book Geek!
Monday, 2 January 2012
Review: Gin O'Clock
Gin O'Clock - The Queen
Hardback: £ 12.99
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
The wonderful twitter celeb HRH @Queen_UK released this book at the end of 2011. It's selection of entries from Her Majesty's 2010/2011 diary. If you thought you knew all there was to know about the royals then you will certainly have your eyes opened.
The diary reminded me of 'The Queen and I' by Sue Townsend where you are plunged behind the scenes of the royal family (yet in Townsend's book they aren't actually royal any more).
It certainly is refreshing to discover that the Queen does in fact enjoy a spot of gin, a session weeding the garden and that Camilla enjoys a good Hamlet and certainly knows how to let her hair down. One never realised that the queen was such a funny lady....if only, oh if only this was the real queen and not the fab twitter celeb.
Each day's entry begins with tweet from that day, I recognised several of them and it was glorious to see them expanded upon! I thoroughly recommend following @queen_uk and reading this highly hilarious book.
Next I'll be moving on to something a bit more hard hitting....or so I've heard....Tiger, Tiger a memoir.
Happy Reading and Happy New Year!!!
Book Geek
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