My WBN adventure was a tad different than planned this year as I was on a work trip over the actual period of WBN celebrations! But do not fear, I gave those books out and bloody enjoyed it and by gum, I did it despite it being on the wrong day(s)!!!!
17th April
Collected my books from Waterstones Farnham! To ensure I could get them to my car in my stupid work smart clothes I borrowed the box wheeley thing we use to move boxes of mags around! I got lots if funny looks when wheeling it both full and empty, but I was excited!!!!
18th April
I have posted the geeky book love to @ontheceiling and @bookcunt as they are both book loving beasts who I think rule!
I brought 10 other books in to work with me. Girl Assistant, Posh Colleague and Miserable Colleague all have one as I share an office with them. The others are going on a whoever comes in to the room gets one basis. So far the recipients are Sly Colleague, Swedish Colleague, Lovely Girl Colleague and the tea lady. 3 left in today's giving spree!!

This afternoon I gave Old Designer a copy. He said he wasn't interested unless there were dragons in the first chapter. I convinced him to take it home for Mrs Old Designer! Tried to give a copy to Attractive Designer, all he did was look at it and say, you keep hold of it and then I will have it if no one else wants it. That comment and book refusing has now made AD slightly less attractive in my eyes, Boy Geek will be pleased!

I gave a copy to The Boss mainly to cover up the fact that I was texting The Bezzie when he came in the room! Uh oh!!! He seemed pleased though!!! 1 left...may deposit it in Saino's later! (Then 8 more to distribute between here and China!)

The drop off has been made, I repeat, the drop off has been made! Here is it's location!
And there is a correction, there are only 6 left, I will distribute wisely!!!!
19th April
I have made my first drop of the towards China portion of my journey! Farnham train station! It is 5:15pm and I am waiting for my train to Waterloo!
And another book lands in the Severn stars, chancery lane!!
20th April
I have left a book on the tube! It's the Piccadilly line to heathrow terminal 5! What a sneaky bean!
24th April
I'm back from Beijing, and look, ANOTHER book has been left on the tube!!!
29th April
I posted a book to @geo_a_go_go for sending me a most excellent pic of a droid reading a book! WONDERFUL!
The final book will be given to my bezzie who I am seeing on 31st May!
And so my adventure comes to an end!