I am now back, officially back, back in a hard core way to get back on with the reading!
To kick it off here is my review of
LET THE RIGHT ONE IN! Both of these reviews are going to be small and brief as I didn't keep notes due to it being my holiday!!!
I was given it by @LottieChase as part of World Book Night 2012.
Here are some pics of it and my reading of it!!
I found the translation to be most awkward in the beginning, things didn't read well and it was a tad awkward. This didn't last overly long however, I think this is because I got used to it. The story was quite slow moving in the beginning but I got in to it in the end. It is a compelling yet terribly strange story. You think you know vampires, you don't! LTROI gives you a bit of a new spin on it all. Eli is a bizarre character all round and I found Oskar to be pretty odd after a while too. The older characters of the book (sorry, I can't remember their names but Mummy Geek now has the book and I can't flick back, and I didn't make notes, BALLS) were great. I really really loved them but they made me really sad at the same time. I hope I don't end up like that even though in their own special ways they were happy. I would recommend this book to others, as I did to Mummy Geek, not just because I have a weird vampire obsession or anything like that ( I do but that is not the reason) but because it is one of a kind and should be read!
The second holiday book was!!!!!!!!!
Here are some reading pics!!
All hope is not lost! Feast for Crows may have been a pile of shite in comparison with the others in this series but have no fear! DANCE WITH DRAGONS PART 1 RULED!! FFC made me sad, really sad with its tedium! I was afraid all the books coming after it would follow suit but that is not the case! DWD takes you back to the good characters and what they were doing whilst FFC people were doing their thing. There is action, politics, cliff hangers, shocks, twists and turns! I loved every second of it and now cannot wait to read part 2!! (I have even pre ordered the next instalment even though it doesn't even have a release date yet!) I cannot wait to read part 2!! BRING IT ON
OOO, OOOOO, ooooo!!! To end, here is a great sign I saw in Suess's Landing in Islands of Adventure at Universal!!

Book Geek
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