Publisher: The Friday Project
Price: £ 9.99 (also an ebook)
Mr Stack did some kind of crazy experiment with this book and offered it as a free ebook. I took advantage of this and have read it...and here is what I think, along with a few other bits and bobs.
21st Century Dodos is a collection of musings about things our society has lost or made extinct! From the very dedication I was already off to a cracking start and it amused me greatly! I was only one entry in and was already loving it! The happy nostalgia was great! Loads of memories were brought back from the offing and things I hadn't recalled from my memory in years...I am however hoping this isn't in a Jason Bourne way!!!!
I loved the conversation tone and the feeling of reminiscing with a friend. It was completely honest and true to life! But, by the end I felt a little bit sad about all the things we have loved and lost over time! *sob*.
Now, I have to provide you with a few comments on a few nostalgic things about this book...please stay with me!
- I bloody loved a good cassette tape! Used to record pretend radio shows with mates.
- I no longer own a VHS player which means I cannot play many an EPIC film I own on VHS.
- I think 2 dodos is for polaroids...I see them muchly!
- Squeeeee arrrrghhhhh reeeuuuurrrcchhhssschhhh bllloorrgghhh muuccrrrggpphhhggg
- When really small, Mummy Geek once found me talking to someone on the rotary dial phone. Apparently I had picked it up and called a totally random stranger.
- I am only 26 and remember white dog poo....however I am Welsh.
- The publisher of my publishing house ALWAYS whistles the same tune....we believe it is his warning signal.
- Captain beany of the Monster Raving Loony Party used to drive round my childhood town with a loudhailer from his car. I found out last Saturday that he is still alive.
- 5 dodos should be awarded to the thanks gone, scary arsed non secure train doors!!!
- I think Mummy Geek still has a Midland Bank cheque book cover somewhere in her house.
- There is an Athena in Exeter! In my uni days I bought many a gift for people there!
- I remember a school supply teacher throwing a bit of chalk at the class shit and then upgrading to a board rubber when he didn't shut up.
- Like a bit of a loser I can still sing/recant with the exact intonation and tones many of the advertising slogans mentioned in Dodo.
- Last film I saw with an intermission was James and the giant peach...the cinema doesn't even exist anymore. :-(
- If you want crap local ads in the cinema then hit the Apollo on Aberavon sea front!
- I used to love a good 10p mix from the paper shop. It was all about pink milk bottles and chocolate mice.
- I was not aware that the paper around chocolate cigarettes was in fact inedible and NOT rice paper....bugger!
- I write to Godmother Geek a few times a month and she writes back to me! Whooooo for snail mail.
- Two spaces after a full stop is the bane of my career as a magazine editor!
So, yes, my general ramblings aside, this is a great book for general wonderment and will appeal to people of all ages....however, you will find it more of a history book if you are now in your teens as you probably have no idea what half of the stuff mentioned is or that it even existed.
Happy Reading
Book Geek